Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more
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I wish the subway wasn't so crowded every morning. | 毎朝地下鉄があまり込まなければいいのになあ。 | |
Emi danced the most beautifully of the three girls. | その3人の女のこの中でエミが一番美しく踊った。 | |
I wore a hat yesterday because it was very cold. | 昨日は大変に寒かったので帽子をかぶった。 | |
I wish I could play the piano as well as Susie. | スージーみたいにピアノが上手く弾けたらいいんだけどなあ。 | |
I wish I could play the piano as well as Susie. | スージーほど上手にピアノをひけるとよいのだが。 | |
The burglar broke into the post office in broad daylight. | 強盗は白昼堂々と郵便局を襲った。 | |
I wish I had studied English harder when I was young. | 若いときもっと一生懸命英語を勉強しておけばよかったと後悔している。 | |
Is there any possibility of his resigning? | 彼が就職する可能性はありますか。 | |
If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam. | 彼がもっと熱心に勉強していたら試験にパスしただろう。 | |
Any comments will be gratefully appreciated. | どんなご意見でもありがたく承ります。 | |
I wish the subway wasn't so crowded every morning. | 毎朝地下鉄があんなに混雑しなかったらなあ。 | |
He wrote a book about his adventures in the jungle. | 彼はジャングルでの冒険についての本を書いた。 | |
The only useful answers are those that raise new questions. | 有意義な回答とは、新たな疑問を生むようなそれである。 | |
If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam. | もっと頑張って勉強したら、彼は試験に合格しただろうに。 | |
How about studying together in the library? | 図書館で一緒に勉強しようよ。 | |
I left a duplicate key to the room with my mother. | 私は部屋の合かぎを母に預けた。 | |
I wish the subway wasn't so crowded every morning. | 今朝地下鉄があんなに混雑しなかったらなあ。 | |
The teacher wrote a short comment on each student's paper. | 先生は生徒一人一人の論文に短い論評を書いた。 | |
The Japanese have a lot in common with the Chinese. | 日本人は中国人と多くの共通点を持つ。 | |
I would like to attend the party on November 1st. | 11月1日のパーティーに参加します。 |