Example English - Japanese sentences tagged with '16 syllables'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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You should try to figure it out for yourself.自分で解いてみようとすべきだ。
If he had taken his doctor's advice, he might still be alive.彼が医者の言うことを聞いていたら、今でも生きていたかもしれないのだが。
My sister works as an assistant to a college professor.姉は大学の先生の助手として働いている。
It's a pity for you to have to stay indoors in this weather.こんないい天気の日に、あなたは家の中に居なければならないなんてかわいそうだ。
Is there any possibility that he'll win the election?彼が選挙に勝つ見込みはありますか。
I wonder if his tax returns will stand close examination.彼の税金の申告は細かく調べられても大丈夫なのかしら。
You should try to form the habit of using your dictionaries.君は辞書を引く習慣をつけるべきだ。
If he had taken his doctor's advice, he might still be alive.彼が医者のアドバイスを聞いていたら、まだ生きていたかもしれない。
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