Example English - Japanese sentences tagged with 'incomplete sentence'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but ...ちょっと言いにくい話なんだけど。
The only person who's looking forward to Miss Cobb's return.コブさんの帰るのを待ちわびている唯一の人間、ということです。
When there's more to be fought for.さらに戦い手に入れるものがあるならば。
After completing his examination the doctor lifted his head up and said:一通りの診察を終えると、医者は頭を上げてこう言った。
The doctor's instructions are as follows: Take this medicine after meals.医者は次のように指示した。この薬は毎食後服用すること、そして・・・。
This may sound like blowing my own horn, but ...自画自賛のようですが。
The wrong time, the wrong place.間違った時代、間違った場所。
She obviously thought she was a good woman, but...自分じゃいい女だと思っていたけど。
He came to Jesus at night and said...この人が、夜、イエスのもとに来ていった。
Too much money?金が多すぎる?
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