Example English - Japanese sentences tagged with 'tag question'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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You can't speak French, can you?君はフランス語が話せないのですね?
You have a little fever today, don't you?君は今日は熱が少しありますね。
He won't be able to escape from there without a miracle, will he?奇跡でも起こらない限り、彼はそこから逃げられないんじゃないか。
You aren't afraid of ghosts, are you?君は幽霊が怖くないのですか。
Have a cup of tea, won't you?紅茶を1杯お飲みになりませんか。
No one forgot their assignment, did they?だれも宿題を忘れませんでしたね。
You are in favor of the plan, aren't you?あなたはその計画に賛成ですね。
Ms. Tanaka can type, can't she?田中さんはタイプが打てるんでしょう。
Tom got first prize, didn't he?トムが優勝したんでしょう。
Sam is a philosopher, isn't he?サムはあきらめのいいほうだろう?
His little sister is very cute, isn't she?彼の妹はとてもかわいいね。
It's a nice day, isn't it?いい日ですね。
You don't go to school on Sunday, do you?君は土曜日には学校へ行かないのですね。
You don't have to buy water, do you?水を買う必要がないですよね。
He doesn't eat this, does he?彼はこれを食べませんよね。
Your mother is very young, isn't she?あなたのお母さんは、とても若いですね。
It's hot today, isn't it?今日は暑いですね。
Jane didn't play tennis, did she?ジェーンはテニスをしませんでしたね。
You aren't busy, are you?あなたは忙しくありませんね。
You aren't leaving Japan for good, are you?あなたは永久に日本を去るのではないでしょうね。
A nice room, isn't it?素敵な部屋ですね。
You couldn't solve the problem, could you?その問題は解けなかったでしょう。
You have not washed your hands yet, have you?君はまだ手を洗っていませんね。
You are satisfied with your life, aren't you?あなたは自分の人生に満足していますね?
It is very hot in this room, isn't it?この部屋はとても暑いですね。
Windy this morning, isn't it?今朝は風が強いですね。
You didn't come to school yesterday, did you?君は昨日学校に来なかったねえ。
It's very hot today, isn't it?今日はたいへん暑いですね。
Well, the night is quite long, isn't it?あぁまだ、宵の口だね。
It's cool this morning, isn't it?今朝は涼しいですね。
That student runs fast, doesn't he?その生徒は走るのが速いね。
This rope is strong, isn't it?このロープは強いですね。
Christmas is near at hand, isn't it?クリスマスは間近ですね。
It is supposed to rain today, isn't it?今日は雨が降るでしょう。
Betty is a pretty girl, isn't she?ベティはかわいい女の子だね。
Warm this morning, isn't it?今朝は暖かいですね。
It's a nice day, isn't it?今日はすがすがしいお天気ですね。
In any case, it's troublesome, isn't it?どっちにしても、厄介ですね。
He isn't here, is he?彼はここにはいないんでしょう?
You don't smoke, do you?あなたはタバコを吸わないんですね。
He hasn't come already, has he?まさかもう彼が来たのではないでしょうね。
Mr. Smith doesn't speak English, does he?スミスさんは英語を話さないのでしょう。
Masao won't come here, will he?まさおはここに来ないでしょうね。
You never change, do you?相変わらずだね。
This is your hat, isn't it?これはあなたの帽子ですね。
Bert doesn't go to high school, does he?バートは高校に通っていませんよね。
You won't be late, will you?君は遅れないでしょうね。
In Alaska you can see natural phenomena like the aurora, right?アラスカでは、自然現象の「オーロラ」が見られるんですよね。
What he told us the other day simply doesn't make sense, does it?先日彼が私に話したことは全然意味をなさないね。
It's a beautiful day, isn't it?全く素晴らしい天気ですね。
You aren't busy now, are you?あなたは今忙しくはないですね。
It's high time you left for school, isn't it?もうとっくに学校へ出かけている時間じゃないの。
You are really full of curiosity, aren't you?君は好奇心が旺盛だね。
You're not satisfied, are you?あなたは満足していないんでしょう。
It's a beautiful day, isn't it?いいお天気ですね。
It's a nice day, isn't it?すばらしい日ですね。
That student runs fast, doesn't he?あの生徒は走るのが速いんだよね?
Beautiful day, isn't it?すばらしい天気ですね。
This flower is beautiful, isn't it?この花は美しいですね。
Keiko is kind, isn't she?ケイコは親切ですね。
It is windy today, isn't it?今日は風が強いですね。
There are many books, aren't there?たくさん本がありますね。
Today's party was really lively, wasn't it?今日のパーティーはもりあがったね。
You don't play golf, do you?あなたはゴルフをしないんですね。
You were in the second year of middle school last year, right?あなたがたは去年中学2年生でしたね。
It is very cold today, isn't it?今日はとても寒いですね。
Hello! Fancy meeting you here! It's a small world, isn't it?やあ、こんな所でお会いするなんて偶然ですね。世の中って狭いものですね。
His little sister is very cute, isn't she?あいつの妹、とてもかわいいね。
It is damp and cold today, isn't it?今日は、じめじめして寒いですね。
It's about time we brought this party to an end, isn't it?そろそろパーティーをお開きにする時間じゃないか。
There's somebody here who did it, isn't there?だれか身に覚えのある人がいるんじゃないか。
That is a lovely doll, isn't it?あれはかわいらしい人形ですね。
Your sister didn't hurt herself, did she?姉さんにけがはなかっただろうね?
That is not your hat, is it?これはあなたの帽子ではありませんね。
You have a little fever today, don't you?君は今日少し熱がある。
The store was not a big one, was it?その店は大きくなかったですね。
It's a very good newspaper, isn't it?たいへん立派な新聞ですね。
We can do without a television, can't we?テレビなんかなくてすむ。
He isn't at home, is he?彼は家にいないでしょうね。
Your father works for a bank, doesn't he?きみのお父さんは銀行にお勤めですね?
You don't like sashimi, do you?刺し身は好きではないのでしょう。
Your sister didn't go on a trip, did she?あなたのお姉さんは旅行に行かなかったのですね。
Alice wasn't present at the meeting, was she?アリスは会議に出席していませんでしたね。
Your parents didn't come, did they?君の両親は来なかったんでしょう。
This flower is beautiful, isn't it?この花は美しいですねえ。
Ken is busy now, isn't he?ケンは今忙しいんですよね?
You can't swim, can you?君は泳げないのですね。
You don't know German, do you?君はドイツ語を知らないんですね。
You have a little fever today, don't you?今日はちょっと熱があるんだろ?
English is difficult, isn't it?英語は難しいですね。
He has not come home yet, has he?彼はまだ家に帰ってきていませんね。
Your sister is a good pianist, isn't she?あなたの姉さんはピアノが上手ですね。
You hardly ever work, do you?ほとんど仕事しないんだろう。
That's an amazing distance, isn't it?すごい飛距離ですね。
What he told us the other day simply doesn't make sense, does it?こないだ彼が私たちに話したことって、ほんと、意味不明だよね。
You didn't join that club, did you?きみはそのクラブに入らなかったんだね。
This wasn't cheap, was it?これは安くは無かったでしょう。
You don't like gambling, do you?あなたは賭事が好きではないのですね。
Cold this morning, isn't it?今朝は寒いですね。
He can't speak English, can he?彼は英語が話せないんですね。
You don't like chocolate, do you?チョコレート 好きじゃないんだよね?
You have something to say about everything, don't you?君は何事につけ一言言いたくなる、そうだろ?
You're going to leave for London next Sunday, aren't you?君がロンドンへ出発するのは今度の日曜日だよね。
It is very cold today, isn't it?今日はとても寒いわね。
So you give up, right?じゃ、諦めるんだね。
You aren't a spy, are you?君はスパイじゃないでしょうね。
It's not much of a surprise, is it?そんなに驚くことじゃないよね?
He isn't at home, is he?彼は家にいないんだよね。
She's really smart, isn't she?彼女は本当に賢いよね?
You don't like pop songs, do you?あなたはポップソングが好きではないのですね?
That's a job of your own a choosing, isn't it?それはあなたが自分で選んだ仕事でしょ。
You can't understand this sentence, can you?この文の意味がわからないのですね?
What he told us the other day simply doesn't make sense, does it?先日彼が私たちに話したことは全く筋が通らないですよね。
You didn't sleep well last night, did you?昨夜はよく眠れなかったのですね。
It's warm today, isn't it?今日は暖かいですね。
He is a good violinist, isn't he?彼はバイオリンが上手ですね。
Nick didn't pass the exam, did he?ニックは試験に合格しなかったのですね。
Your father has been in Paris, hasn't he?あなたのお父さんはパリにいらっしゃったことがありますね。
You are not coming, are you?君は来ないんだね。
It's beautiful weather, isn't it?全く素晴らしい天気ですね。
You have something to say about everything, don't you?一言居士。
You're the new secretary, aren't you?あなたは新しい秘書の方ですね。
It's a beautiful day, isn't it?今日はいいお天気ですね。
Noriko really is a nice person, isn't she?紀子さんて、ほんとにいい人ね。
This bus goes to the Matsuyama station, right?このバスは、松山市駅行きですね。
Lovely sunset, isn't it?きれいな夕日だね。
You are telling it second hand, aren't you?それは受け売りだろう?
That boy is Tony, isn't he?あの少年はトニーですね。
Jim doesn't like apples, does he?ジムはりんごが好きではないですね。
It's very hot, isn't it?とてもあついですね。
You don't like chocolate, do you?君はチョコレートが好きでないですよね?
The rain hasn't stopped yet, has it?雨はまだやんでいませんね。
Masaru can't finish the work in an hour, can he?勝はその仕事を1時間で終えることはできないでしょう。
Judy isn't a good singer, is she?ジュディさんは上手な歌手ではありませんね。
What he told us the other day simply doesn't make sense, does it?この間彼が私たちに話したことは、全く意味をなさないですよね。
A nice day, isn't it? How about going for a swim?いい天気だね。泳ぎに行くのはどう?
You can't speak English, can you?君は英語が話せませんね?
It is a nice day, isn't it?いい天気ですね。
It's a pleasant day, isn't it?今日は気分がいいですね。
You don't have any plants or animals, right?植物や生き物は持っていませんね?
You have never been to Okinawa, have you?あなたは1度も沖縄に行ったことがありませんね。
This isn't the last train, is it?これは最終電車ではないのですね?
We could all see it coming, couldn't we?誰もが予想できたことじゃない?
This book is surprisingly easy to read, isn't it?案外、この本は読みやすいね。
He doesn't appear to be wise, does he?彼は賢そうに見えませんね。
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