Example English - Japanese sentences tagged with 'toast'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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Here's to your health!ご健康を祝して乾杯。
May happiness and joy come to you as you celebrate this joyous day.この喜ばしい日をお祝いし、幸せと喜びがあなたにきますように。
Here's to you!あなたに乾杯!
Here's to a long and happy life!長寿とご幸福を祝して、乾杯。
Bottoms up!乾杯!
Let's drink to absent friends.欠席された友人たちのために、乾杯しましょう。
I wish you both happiness and prosperity.お二人のお幸せとご繁栄を祈ります。
Let's drink to his success.彼の成功を祈って乾杯しよう。
I wish you a long and happy married life.いつまでもお幸せに!
To your future!あなたの未来に乾杯!
A toast to your 20th Anniversary!20周年記念に乾杯。
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