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Example sentences including 'be closed'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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Let the door be closed at once.すぐにドアを閉めなさい。
The store might be closed already.その店はもう閉まっているかもしれないよ。
The train station will be closed from tomorrow.その駅は、明日以降から終了します。
The store will be closed tomorrow.明日は店が閉まっています。
Due to our office moving, we will be closed from May 30 to 31.移転にともない5月30日、31日は休業いたします。
Therefore it will be closed for the rest of the year.それゆえに一年の残りの期間は閉鎖される事になるだろう。
Possibly the factory will be closed down next week.たぶん工場は来週閉鎖されるだろう。
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