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Example sentences including 'be enough'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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Investing all his fortune would not be enough.彼の全財産を投じてもまだ足りまい。
The appropriation is pin-money; it wouldn't be enough even to build a gym, much less build the administration building.割当て金は僅かなものだ。体育館を建てるにも足らないだろう。ましてや、本部を建てるのに、足りるわけがない。
The money will be enough to carry me to Hong Kong.この金でホンコンまでは十分いけるだろう。
Studying three hours a week wouldn't be enough to learn a language well.週に3時間の勉強では1つの言語をしっかり覚えるのに十分ではないだろう。
All the money put together still won't be enough.お金を全部合わしても足りないだろう。
That will be enough for now.差し当たり、あれで十分でしょう。
Ten million yen will be enough for the project.1千万円あればその計画には十分だろう。
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