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Example sentences including 'untie'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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She is known as auntie at the office.彼女は会社ではおじさんで通っている。
The first thing he did was to untie his shoelaces and take his shoes off.最初に、彼は靴ひもをほどいてくつを脱いだ。
Your shoes are untied.靴紐が解けていますよ。
These smaller parts are called counties, and each county has a county council, like Westhamptonshire County Council.その小さな地方は州(カウンティ)と呼ばれており、それぞれの州に州議会があります。ウェストハンプトン州議会もそのひとつです。
The shoelace came untied.靴ひもがほどけた。
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