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Example sentences including '冴'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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I feel smart today, to a degree that is in proportion to the amount of good rest I had yesterday.昨日ゆっくり休んだ分、今日は頭が冴えている。
It's already 3 a.m., but I'm wide awake and couldn't fall asleep if I tried.もう午前3時だけど、目が冴えて眠れる気がしない。
The performance was low-keyed.そのパフォーマンスは冴えないものでしたよ。
I feel more alert after drinking a cup of coffee.コーヒーを一杯飲むと頭が冴える。
For some reason, I'm wide awake and can't fall asleep.なんだか目が冴えちゃって、眠れなくなっちゃった。
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