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Example sentences including '暫'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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By the way, this week - no matter what flags are set - it's a certainty that there will be no ecchi scenes. You'll just have to bear with it a while.ちなみにここ一週間は、例えばフラグが立っていようとも、Hシーンが無い事は確定事項だからな。暫くの間、辛抱な!
We've set the meeting tentatively for Monday. It's subject to change.われわれはその会合を暫定的に月曜日ときめています。それは変更することがあります。
"Prospects for repair?" "Prof. Shubaishen, the leader of the system development team, is presently unwell so we think it will take a while longer ..."「直る見込みは?」「システム開発チームのシュバイシェン博士が現在闘病中のため、もう暫くはかかるかと・・・」
I was told to wait for a while.私は暫く待つように言われた。
We'll have our firm's attorneys look through the provisional agreement.社の弁護士に暫定合意の内容を吟味してもらおう。
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