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Example sentences including '賜'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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Everyone knows that he worked hard to get to the top of the company.彼が会社の社長になれたのは、彼の努力と勤勉の賜物です。
It is the fruit of hard work and a well-prepared plan.入念な計画と努力の賜物です。
I may not have much to offer in the way of learning or ability, but I want to do whatever I can for us all and humbly ask for your favor.浅学非才の私ではありますが、何とぞ皆様のお力を賜りたく、ここにお願い申し上げる次第です。
Her success is the result of her efforts.彼女の成功は努力の賜物だ。
Thanks to electric goods, housewives have plenty of free time.主婦が余暇を十分持てるようになったのも電化製品の賜物である。
Our latest results are the fruit of his furious efforts.今回の成果はひとえに彼の獅子奮迅の働きの賜物でしょう。
He attributed his success to hard work.彼は自分の成功を努力の賜物と考えた。
My success was largely due to luck.私の成功はもっぱら幸運の賜物だ。
She said that his success was the result of effort.彼の成功は努力の賜物だと彼女は言った。
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