The conjugations and English meanings are automatically generated and not all forms are always relevant for all verbs. This is for a guide only - please double-check if you need to use the information for something important!
Verb Class1 ~ Godan ~ 五段
Stembibir -
Te formbibitte
    be suprised, will be suprised don't be suprised, won't be suprised
Present Indicative Plain bibiru bibiranai
Polite bibirimasu bibirimasen
    lets be suprised, will probably be suprised let's not be suprised, probably won't be suprised
Presumptive \ Volitional Plain bibirō
bibiru darō
bibiranai darō
Polite bibirimashō
bibiru deshō
bibiranai deshō
    be suprised! don't be suprised!
Imperative Plain bibire bibiru na
Politebibitte kudasai bibiranai de kudasai
Past Indicative Plain bibitta bibiranakatta
Polite bibirimashita bibirimasen deshita
Past Presumptive Plain bibittarō
bibitta darō
bibiranakatta darō
Polite bibitta deshō bibiranakatta deshō
Present Progressive Plain bibitte iru
Polite bibitte imasu bibitte imasen
Past Progressive Plain bibitte ita
Polite bibitte imashita bibitte imasen deshita
Provisional Conditional eba Plain bibireba bibiranakereba
Polite n/a n/a
Conditional (-tara form) Plain bibittara bibiranakattara
Polite bibirimashitara bibirimasen deshitara
Potential Plain bibireru bibirenai
Polite bibiremasu bibiremasen
Causative Plain bibiraseru bibirasenai
Polite bibirasemasu bibirasemasen
Passive Plain bibirareru bibirarenai
Polite bibiraremasu bibiraremasen
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